Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chronic Relapsers

I've heard several people describe themselves as "chronic relapsers," as if this puts them into a separate, more hopeless category of alcoholism. The truth is, all alcoholics are chronic relapsers. Our natural state is progressive deterioration further and deeper into the depths of alcohol dependence. Each day of recovery is a miracle. Some of us just have longer periods between relapses, and some of us are lucky enough to die of old age or other non-alcoholic causes between relapses.

Just for today, I will remember that relapse is not a failure, but every day between relapses is a gift from my Higher Power.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Seems like the typical effort put forth by people who want to make themselves more special than other people. Kinda the same as "well, maybe YOU have a problem that SEEMS similar to mine, but MINE is MUCH WORSE and is MUCH harder to overcome." ...when the truth is there's no such difference. "We are all Earthlings," as the Sesame Street song goes, "spinning around together, on a planet of the Sun,"